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Jay Hind! Episode 59 : Segment 2 - The Jay Hind! team brings you a new Helpline for Student Suicides during the Exam Season. With absolutely safe ideas on how t...
Jay Hind! Episode 144 : Segment 4 - In Laid Night News Barakh Dutta presents the case of the strange Twitter suicides. Hilariously weird!!! For more berserk hum...
Jay Hind! Episode 140 : Segment 3 - Now that the New Year is Here. Top 10 reasons why you should kill yourself NOW! For more sexy, crazy humor - follow us on tw...
Jay Hind! Episode 167 : Segment 2 - A Suicide inducing interview with Mark Zuckerberg himself on the Facebook Suicide Helpline. ROFL and then follow us on twit...
Jay Hind! Episode 203 : Segment 4 - Watch out for the swimfan :))) Fed up with the poor performance of other NGOs in RTI we have created our own HELPLINE - send...